Cocktail Friday: Grapefruit Margarita

When life gives you grapefruit, make a cocktail.

I think that’s how the saying goes…  On a trip to Palm Springs, Eddie and I found ourselves walking the neighborhoods to pick low hanging fruit from the local citrus trees.

We stayed at the ACE (which I recommend!), rode bikes around town and walked through million dollar open-houses.

Each block, Eddie would stop to pick fruit, “Uh!  There’s more!  Yeaaaa…. oranges!  I would be the best fed homeless man if I lived here!”  We had my little backpack filled to the brim with lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit, and after a stop by the liquor store, it was time to kickback poolside.

After returning from Palm Springs we realized we brought back a bag of fruit in my carry-on, this recipe and a sunburn on Eddie.  It was a good trip.

But now it’s Friday in Seattle and I’m thirsty!  Let’s pretend it’s warm outside and make cocktails for sunshine.

Serves 1

1/2 grapefruit, juiced
1 1/2 shots tequila, preferably blanco
1/2 lime, juiced
1 shot orange juice
splash of club soda
sea salt
garnish: lime or grapefruit segment

Scoop ice into cocktail glass then empty into martini shaker.
Spread fine sea salt on a dish.  Wet your thumb and index finger with water, slide wet fingers around rim of glass and tap rim into salt.  Add grapefruit juice, tequila, lime juice and orange juice into martini shaker.  With the lid on, shake a few times.  Pour everything into salt rimmed glass and top with a splash of club soda.  Garnish with lime or grapefruit wedge and enjoy!

Keywords: ACE Hotel Palm Springs, fresh cocktails

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